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Here we go:
This morning I planned to go to First Presbyterian to worship. The church's address was listed at Sixth which is the same street as the hotel. How convenient! All I have to do is walk three blocks, and I'm there.
Well, I walked two blocks, and the name of the street changed. Uh-oh. What to do? I called our Youth Advisory Delegate Brittany Bentine so she could advise me. She looked at a map and did so. Go up a block and turn left, she said. But I still didn't see the church, but I did hear something.
Now, Presbyterians love bagpipes. I guess this is because we can trace our roots to Scotland where the bagpipes were used in battle. If you've ever heard the bagpipes play, you know that they are pretty loud, and the sound can really carry. Perhaps it was that those pipes were played to intimidate the foes of the clan. They were so ferocious that they announced their intention to come forth boldly and fight.
I like that image for who we are as the church. Not that we want to fight people so much as fight the good fight, fight against the foes of injustice, apathy, and evil.
Anyway, I followed the sound of the bagpipes, and wouldn't you know it? It led me straight to the church. And wow! What a church it is. The architecture was truly inspiring. It's one of those kind of buildings that when you see it, you already feel you are witnessing greatness.
Reverend Tom Hall preached. This was really special since he is the dad of one of our elders at First in Ashland. Reverend Hall preached on the resurrection passage in John where Jesus comes and stands in the middle of his apostles in the locked room. So, here is a meeting where the people are anxious. Jesus comes to stand among them and he takes away their guilt. He offers them forgiveness, and he offers them peace. Reverend Hall's message and his blessing to us was this: in our meeting may we recognize Jesus right in the middle of us. May we know Jesus' forgiveness and his peace. Then we can go about doing what he has called us to do. It was a very appropriate sermon for those of us gathered this day.
There is a lot more I want to tell you, but it's been a long day, and it's late. And tomorrow we have to be somewhere at 7 am-eek.
But I will end with this. Our committee work began tonight. We began with worship. We ended with worship. Please read this carefully as I tell you that all of the work we are doing is being done prayerfully. We are seeking to discern the will of God. I believe that we will do this. As a gathered comittee we are seeking to know the mind of God not just as individuals, but as this gathered group. The Spirit of God is in our midst, and so please pray that all of us-not just the seventy or so of us on my specific committee-but also the over 600 commissioners-that all of us will recognize the Spirit of God in our midst and that we all will hear God's voice louder than any others which are competing for our loyalty and attention.
Good night from your sister in Christ and your commissioner,