Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stand up and pray

Our committee work is done, and so now we go to the plenary (gathered assembly) to vote and discuss what has been worked on by the committees.
I am both fascinated and disturbed by the process-how we can get bogged down so quickly by the wording of a certain motion or to vote on whether we should keep talking or vote.
In the midst of this business, we worship and we pray. Yesterday morning at worship, we were led in a physically moving prayer that I thought was pretty special. I asked the person who led the prayer if she would share it with me, and she did. Here is the link for it:
So, I share that with you to lift up a worship resource. And also to let you know that it isn't all about the controversial issues. We've sung songs out of the new hymnbook during worship. We've heard greetings and inspiring words from our sister churches from throughout the world. We've celebrated our seminaries and our missionaries who will go forth to minister to many places in the name of Christ. And you know what? Some of those missionaries are called to be right here in the USA.
Because more and more we are considered a mission field. Perhaps it is time for us to ask who we can bring the good news of Jesus Christ out into the world (which I think we do pretty well) and how we can make good disciples once we get out there (which I don't think we do that well).
Nikki MacMillan is an ordained minister. She and I went to college together. Her church is a coffee shop. It's a new church development, and I think it's a pretty amazing ministry.
check it out at
Blessings to you from Pittsburgh. And please keep praying for all of us at General Assembly. I am most humbly and thankfully, Your Sister in Christ and Commissioner Jennifer