Friday, June 29, 2012

Twas the night before General Assembly....

And all through the land, Commssioners had Pittsburgh.
Okay, so I'm not so good with rewriting that whole Christmas poem thing.
But good news! I am in downtown Pittsburgh in the Renaissance Hotel. The stairs are marble, and if I look out my five story window I can see the PNC sports Park.

In the lobby there were these nice ladies who were greeting all of us coming in to do business of the Presbyterian Church. There was a basket of tiny plastic pickles which said 'Heinz' on it. So, I said, "What the heck is that?" Then I got the look.
So, I guess there's this company named Heinz and they do pickles and ketchup and such. Well, okay, if it had been ketchup, I would have gotten it, but you know I'm more of a Vlasic kind of gal.

Anyhow, I'm already spotting a bunch of Presbyterians-even recognized one in the Greek restaurant we ate at earlier. I say "WE" because I rode here with Marilyn who is from Lexington. She is a ruling elder. Me? I'm a teaching elder. Marilyn and I ate gyros two blocks down from the hotel, and I spotted Toby whom I had met a few months ago in Nashville. She's a stated clerk from North Alabama Presbytery.
When we came out of the restaurant, big fat rain drops pelted us. We're about a 15 minute walk from the convention center where most of the business is going to take place this week, so Marilyn ran to get her umbrella.
As I sit here and type, the sun has sunk down below the skyline. The hue of the sky is the most gorgeous I've seen in a while-lavendar above to a deep orange next to the black silhouette of the buildings and hills. I told Marilyn we better enjoy the view here because from now on our sunsets are likely going to happen from inside a committee room as we have both heard the church business often doesn't end until on into the night.
I consider the words of the Psalmist "On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night". That is from Psalm 63, and really the whole Psalm is a comfort. Tonight I am thankful that my family is safe at home, that I have arrived safely and have a comfortable place to sleep, and that I have been entrusted to do the business of the church, the body of Christ.
May each of us this week remember that God has equipped us, prepared us, and sustains us for the work we are doing here. May we be humble, joyful, thankful. Blessings from your Commissioner, Jennifer