Yesterday the Presbyterian Women hosted their annual Christmas tea. What a fun day it was. The tables was laden with food. Particularly popular with some of the younger crowd were the shrimp! I was so pleased when I saw the punch bowl containing egg nog! Very tasty!
The senior high girls performed the "candle dance." This was a dance Teresa Cassity introduced to us back in October. We've been working very hard on it, and were excited to get to do it at the tea. I hope I don't give anything away by telling you it is part of the Christmas play coming up Sunday, December 21. We will have a true potluck after church that day, and the play is at 2:00 p.m. You will love it.
Speaking of Teresa, she led us in the colorful bell ringing again this year and also read aloud a Christmas story.
We had a very special treat when the Greenup Children's Choir under the direction of Cora Hughes performed for us. I was amazed at their talent, and also that Cora (who has joined the choir) co-writes pieces for the youth people to sing.